The Existential DiSo Interview

The Existential DiSo Interview from Chris Messina on Vimeo.

Here’s what I asked myself:

how are you?

we’re going to talk about diso today? is that right?

what is diso?

you say it’s a social network, so how would it work with wordpress?

how is this different from myspace or facebook?

so who’s involved in this project?

so what comes next?

how is this different than opensocial?

what’s going to be the big win for diso?

so do you see this model applying in any other domain on the web?

what kind of support do you need?

are you talking to any of the bigger social networks? like facebook or myspace?

so who cares?

how will you draw customers away from myspace or facebook?

any last thoughts?

Author: Chris Messina

Inventor of the hashtag. #1 Product Hunter. Techmeme Ride Home podcaster. Ever-curious product designer and technologist. Previously: Google, Uber, Republic, YC W'18.

20 thoughts on “The Existential DiSo Interview”

  1. LOL, you c-c-crazay!
    But darn effective. 🙂
    Nothing’s like taking matters in your own hands.
    Will watch tonight.

  2. Hello Chris, great job and great idea, both the interview mode and DiSo. I went through most of it and it sounds you made a lot of progress already !! Will be in SF next week and try to touch base with you.

  3. Nice interview and gives a great overview of the scope and potential of DiSo. I saw Matt from WordPress saying that he wants to use part of the 29m they’ve raised to delve into identity. Do you think they are going to try and integrate something like DiSo across wordpress?

  4. #1 point from this — MOAR CODEZ! Design patterns are wonderful, but codez are demoable.

    On a more ridiculous note: my name is mentioned in a video *gold star*!

  5. Great video Chris! I think your message came across pretty clear. 🙂

    I’ll be watching your progress closely on the DiSo site, as I’ve been wanting to see something like this for a long time as well. And you’re dead on with regards to the “Who cares?” question. People may not care now because they don’t know what’s possible. Once they know what’s possible, many won’t look back at the old silo approach. Great job at getting the snowball rolling!

  6. You are asking yourself the right questions 🙂 I think the concept of a “web citizen” by implementing something like openID will encourage more innovation in the social space than what the traditional silos are doing.

    I’ve openID enabled my site as a direct result of viewing this video – I’ll be tracking this closely as well. Thanks for the interview of yourself!

  7. Great stuff. I’ve been thinking along such similar lines over the last few months… time to dig into that mailing list.

  8. How did this happen? We could hear somebody else’s voice also when the ‘real’ Chris is talking 🙂

  9. Pingback: cares

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